Archive for the 'Haskell' Category

Clojure Transducers

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

A co-worker pointed me to an article about Clojure and transducers: He wasn’t sure what the purpose was, as the explanations have all been quite technical. Here’s my attempt at an explanation. Disclaimer: I don’t know clojure, but I know haskell fairly well and read those articles on transducers and think I understand them. […]

Fun with Haskell

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Haskell is a great programming language and I have a lot of fun programming in it. I’ve been working fiddling around with a simple prototype for a board-game style game (more details on that later) and was figuring out how to draw a line connecting some positions on the game board. Specifically, I needed to […]

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